Today we are here to celebrate the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. On April 5, 1975 Satoshi registered a pseudonym with The P2P Foundation which is said to be their birth date. It is unknown who Satoshi actually is and it is likely we will never know. The Bitcoin faithful have drawn up many theories of why Satoshi chose April 5th with many pointing towards the fact that it was the anniversary of Executive Order 6102 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt had banned the private ownership of gold during 1933. President Gerald Ford had then repealed Executive Order 6102 in 1974.

It is highly likely that Satoshi had these events in mind when selecting their pseudonym’s birthdate as a silent salute to the concepts of freedom and an independent money system. On this special day, we turn our attention to the identity of Satoshi as it is still unknown. People have speculated that it might be Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, Adam Back, Len Sassaman, John Nash or even a collective group of cypherpunks. However, one thing is clear, the identity of Satoshi no longer matters as the Bitcoin system is now open-source and leaderless.

Satoshi graciously stepped away from Bitcoin in 2011 and the fact that Bitcoin has become a multi-billion dollar global currency system is an exceptional achievement. Who knows what the future of this project would be if Satoshi was still at the helm of it. Their absence has ensured that Bitcoin is now owned and managed by everyone and not just one single individual.

On this day, let us take a moment to appreciate both the graceful leadership of Satoshi Nakamoto and the independence of Bitcoin. A protocol with rules but without rulers! Happy birthday, Satoshi!

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