The crypto project Smoking Chicken Fish (SCF), which transformed into a religion and planned to build a physical church, has removed its leader following accusations of scamming. The remaining team has taken control of the project's website and Telegram channel and is working to regain access to the Twitter account. The allegations against the de facto leader, Pastor Kelby, include taking payments from derivative projects without notifying the team, receiving "church donations" into his personal wallet, and conducting "rug pulls." The team claims he used his association with the church to be paid for promoting another project. Furthermore, evidence suggests he may have been involved in previous scams. The community has formed a group to investigate Kelby, who demanded a $100,000 ransom for the Twitter account. The team refused to pay, prompting Kelby to create a new token before ultimately deleting his Twitter account. The remaining team members now oversee the church, emphasizing decentralization moving forward.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-09-18
Solana Meme Coin Church Turns on Pastor After Scam Allegations Surface