Metacade, a leading on-chain gaming platform, is planning to release ten new games on Telegram, targeting its 950 million users. The move comes as Metacade's research indicates an 80% increase in gaming activity each September when users return to their routines after the summer break. The games will be available on both desktop and mobile devices, aligning with the growing interest in casual mobile gaming. Unlike typical pay-to-play games on Telegram, Metacade's games allow users to earn Tournament credits for free, which can be used in Metacade Tournaments. The platform also offers cross-platform compatibility, enabling players to compete against both mobile and PC users. Metacade's CEO sees great potential for growth through integration with Telegram and believes it positions the platform as a "super-app" that combines gaming, investing, and content.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-09-13
Metacade Launches 10 New Casual Games on Telegram