The TON Core team has issued a warning that the Telegram Open Network (TON) is likely to face more technical challenges and unforeseen issues as it deals with recent service outages caused by the influx of tap-to-earn gaming and mini app activity. Daily active user addresses on TON have reached 1.1 million multiple times recently, with single-day transactions peaking at 14.4 million. Two upcoming airdrops for popular tap-to-earn games, Catizen and Hamster Kombat, have generated significant user engagement and are expected to create a surge in activity on TON. These events, along with recent disruptions caused by the DOGS token distribution, may lead to further service interruptions on the network. Despite this, TON developers have committed to addressing these challenges and striving towards mass adoption.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-09-13
‘Hamster Kombat’ and ‘Catizen’ Telegram Token Demand Could Disrupt TON, Devs Warn