The departure from Solana of y00ts and DeGods has resulted in tremendous success for the projects, which have risen to the top of OpenSea's rankings, both on Ethereum and Polygon. Across both chains, y00ts has registered $4.3 million in sales over the past week, while DeGods has reached $7.3 million over the past month. Moreover, DeGods is still the most-popular NFT collection on Solana, with a 7 day sales volume of approximately $3.4 million and a floor price of $17,300. On the other hand, the floor price for a y00ts NFT on Solana is higher than Polygon’s, at $4,500. In addition, the developers of these projects have made headlines with their innovative move of minting 535 “burned” DeGods on Bitcoin. This move has given DeGods the top spot for NFTs on Bitcoin for the past month, with the floor price of a DeGods NFT on the blockchain being $26,200. All in all, y00ts and DeGods have shown impressive success in the cryptocurrency marketplace, more than living up to their reputation as must-own gems in the NFT universe.

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