The death of Bob Lee, creator of the Cash App and co-founder of the former Square now Block Inc, has added to the list of crypto guys who have died in the last year. From crypto billionaires to company CEOs, several mysterious and suspicious cases have emerged in this period of time. Just this week, both Brooke Jenkins, San Francisco District Attorney, and Vyacheslav Taran, co-founder of Forex Club, perished due to unknown persons or causes. In December, Tiantian Kullander, co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange the Amber Group, passed away in his sleep, and in October, Nikolai Mushegian, aged only 29, drowned on a beach in Puerto Rico under suspicious circumstances. Additionally, in November, Spanish entrepreneur Javiar Biosca committed suicide after being jailed for 8 months for charges of fraud, money laundering and forgery. Lastly, in June of 2021 John McAfee, one of the most famous influencers in the cryptocurrency world, was found dead in Barcelona prison. The cause was declared suicide, though his wife claimed from the beginning that she did not believe it and thought he had faked his death. These cases demonstrate the often anonymous, dangerous and unpredictable world of cryptocurrency, with many players not reaping the profit they were promised, while some of the already wealthy remain fearful of being targeted.

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