A recent survey conducted by CoinGecko has revealed that 75.8% of the 438 participants are crypto holders who own NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This was compared to 21.7% of people who do not own or never owned NFTs as well as 2.5% of people who owned them in the past but had sold them. Out of those who owned NFTs, 26.5% of the respondents owned over 50, 18.7% owned between 11 to 20, and the remaining 4.8% held just one. Additionally, CoinGecko conducted a survey exploring participants' sentiments on the risks and regulations associated with NFTs. 48% of the group wanted more regulatory oversight and 18.7% had a strong opinion about that; the remaining 30% had no strong opinion either way and 22.4% of the group felt that there was no need for additional regulation.

Generally, the emergence of NFTs has been flourishing and the results of these surveys indicate a strong enthusiasm from cryptocurrency holders and a willingness from many to invest in the technology. With the ability to own tangible assets, like digital art and collectibles, through the blockchain, NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way people invest in digital objects. For example, digital art may increase in value over time, similar to art investments in the real-world and token collectors will be able to collaborate and own pieces of digital art together instead of in isolation.

As far as the regulations go, clearly, there are both those who are in favour of more regulation, as well as those who feel that it is unnecessary. However, when it comes to protecting investors, strict regulations can ensure that everyone is on a level playing field and that no one accidentally purchases a fraudulent asset. Overall, it is important for the industry to come to a consensus on the best regulation practices to make the blockchain and NFT space safe and trustworthy for all participants.

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