As projects and protocols across the blockchain space continue to grow and evolve, so too do some of the world’s richest DAO treasuries. These initiatives have become big business, with even small- and medium-scale projects holding hundreds of millions in fiat equivalents or other assets. Arbitrum leads the pack with a whopping $4.23 billion in ARB tokens, followed closely by a surprisingly diversified BitDAO with millions in stablecoins and ETH. Others such as Cream, Gemcenter and Darma offer interesting portfolios of tokens. As we watch and track Decentralized Autonomous Organizations within the cryptocurrency space, it’s essential to keep an eye on the goings-on in the treasuries – for some insights, DefiLlama’s listings are a great place to start.

From business-oriented startups to DeFi protocols, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have become big deals within the blockchain sector. Every DAO has its own treasury, filled either with project’s own token, or different fiat equivalents or other crypto tokens. DefiLlama, a known analytics service in the Defi sector, revealed the most prominent DAO treasuries, based on total holdings.

Leading the list of richest treasuries is Arbitrum DAO, whose holdings are all in its own token - ARB - for a total of $4.23 billion, making it the wealthiest DAO by a long shot. On the second place is BitDAO, a collective devoted to developing DeFi projects, with a portfolio of $800 million, which includes stablecoins such as USDC, USDT, and its own BIT token, as well as Ethereum (ETH). Other leading treasuries include Cream, Gemcenter, and Darma, who, albeit having relatively modest holdings, present interesting portfolio diversification.

Overall, it's worth noting that DAO treasuries have become enormous in their scope, leading to complex portfolios comprising stablecoins, crypto tokens, or even fiat equivalents. DefiLlama's analytics provides information and insights on these financial assets, offering a valuable and insightful glimpse into the inner-workings and success of DAOs within the cryptocurrency world.

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