Cryptocurrencies have been on the rise in this digital age, prompting people to question whether Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has invested in Bitcoin. With his influence in the technological industry and venture services, many would expect him to be an advocate for adopting digital currencies. However, it appears that Gates’ opinion on crypto remains a bit wary.

Though Gates has not openly revealed whether he has any holdings in Bitcoin, he has been vocal in giving his impression of the digital currency and its shortcomings. A CNN report revealed that during a TechCrunch conference in June 2022, he said that “cryptos and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were 100% based on greater fool theory”, citing volatility and its use in nefarious activities as issues. However, he also mentioned the benefits of crypto, noting that its goal is to “make money more digital and get transactions down”, something which is supported by the Gates Foundation.

Back in 2021, he had said that he was “neutral” on Bitcoin and, even before them, in a BloombergTV interview during the 'Sibos 2014' financial services industry conference, Gates praised Bitcoin as ‘better than currency’ and highlighted its capacity to make money more accessible, while criticizing its anonymity.

Clearly, Gates’ perspective on crypto remains a bit hesitant. His views are different than those of Berkshire Hathaway’s CEO Warren Buffett and vice chairman Charlie Munger, who have called cryptocurrencies “rat poison” and a “bad combination of partly fraud and partly delusion” respectively.

Though he may not be a full supporter of crypto just yet, Gates’ words could be taken as a statement to stay open towards digital currencies, with his comments hinting that he could change his stance should the industry improve.

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