Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market. Its price has skyrocketed over the last few months, up by 80% since the beginning of 2023. This surge in price has resulted in an increase in Bitcoin holders, now close to 1 million. At this rate, it has outdone five major indexes by a staggering 170% in the first quarter of 2023.

Analysis on Technical View’s 1-day gauges indicates a bullish outlook, with a ‘string buy’ sentiment at 17 and ‘buy’ and ‘strong buy’ highlighted at three and fourteen respectively. Currently Bitcoin's market capitalization stands at $583 billion, and its price is around $30,114.

Despite this positive outlook, the crypto community over at CoinMarketCap predicts a different future. With an 83% accuracy rate for the last six months, the estimated average price of Bitcoin for April 30th is $23,561, a decline of 21.63% from current prices.

However, additional research from PricePrediction shows a more optimistic future. Its AI technology suggests a price of BTC at $30,697 by April 30th, substantially higher than CoinMarketCap’s forecast.

Ultimately, it is impossible to predict the exact price that Bitcoin might reach in the near future, making it important to consider all possible options when investing in cryptocurrencies. Keeping up to date on the latest news, market analysis and forecasts is essential for making wise decisions and achieving greater returns.

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