The French President Emmanuel Macron recently proposed to raise the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 in order to rebalance the state coffers. The proposed reform penalizes people with difficult or precarious jobs, and this has led to protests against the proposal. To counter the possible economic damage, some investors have suggested that crypto assets could be used as a better solution to this problem.

Michael Saylor’s Bitcoin, with its gains of over 70%, is arguably the world’s best safe haven. Companies such as MicroStrategy made their investments in Bitcoin, leading to 140,000 BTC in the company’s reserves. In the US, some pension funds have begun offering crypto investments to their clients, with Fidelity intending to offer Bitcoin shares to employees by 2023.

The inclusion of crypto assets in pension plans has been suggested by experts as a way to counter the issues of retirement age increase and currency depreciation. Del Crxpto suggests that the French citizens could retire at age 62 by converting their contributions into Bitcoin for the next five years.

Furthermore, Macron has also highlighted the importance of reducing European dependence on the US by suggesting an independent strategy apart from Washington and Beijing. This sentiment of European decentralization could add strength to the idea of pension reform and the introduction of crypto assets in such funds.

Overall, while the economic reality of the situation has yet to be tested, the potential role of crypto assets has been indicated by industry specialists as a way to make pension reform a benefit for the citizens of France. The French government has yet to make any announcement on the matter, but the opportunity for such investments is there and could be taken in the near future.

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