Augmented Reality (AR) and blockchain are two powerful technologies which could be combined to develop an innovative port maintenance system. Jelurida, a blockchain solutions provider, and Aumenta Solutions, an AR firm, have joined forces to work on a project that could potentially improve maintenance efficiency, reduce downtime, and provide accuracy to tasks related to servicing ships, cargo, and passengers.

The two firms are not the first to explore the potential of combining blockchain and AR. Back in 2020, a research group from the the University of Girona and Aumenta Solutions created a blockchain-based maintenance system, implementing a certification program to increase traceability. The AR-based system has been successful, and now Aumenta Solutions and MSI are aiming to deploy it in port infrastructures globally.

Both Pere Roset, the managing partner at Aumenta Solutions and Francisco Sarrias from Jelurida have commented on the technology, highlighting the importance of AR in maintenance operations. Sarrias views AR as a game-changer, as it allows workers to access digital information in real-time. Roset is also pleased to be able to use their certified blockchain technology to assist in port maintenance.

AR has been widely used across the Web3 space, with Metaverse Fashion Week pioneering the use of a hybrid fashion runway at the Piazza of Duomo di Milano. Last year, Jack Daniels also launched a Web3 campaign involving AR and Polygon-based digital collectibles for fans to collect.

The partnership between Jelurida and Aumenta Solutions are part of a move towards innovation in maintenance processes, as companies strive to make use of the ever-changing blockchain and AR technology to meet the demands of the modern industry. As the blockchain and tech industry grows, so too will the number of solutions developed to increase efficiency and reduce the manual effort needed in maintenance and other industries.

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