Angel Studio's Tuttle Twins made the news recently for the third episode of its television series featuring Bitcoin. The episode, titled 'Bitcoin and the Beast', looks into the debate whether digital currency surpasses traditional payment methods or isn't any different than "made up money". The show is known to incorporate political and religious themes into its episodes such as discussing free market capitalism and introducing Gandhi's non-violent philosophy with teachings of Jesus. This prompted many including Democratic senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown to suggest that Bitcoin was made to cover up illicit conduct and Republican Senator Bill Hagerty to speak out against aggressive enforcement without clarifying the legal requirements.

This isn't the first mainstream project to feature Bitcoin. In 2015, Dope was the first movie to offer bitcoin ticket sales and Trust No One, a 2022 Netflix film sought to shed light on the mysterious passing of cryptocurrency mogul Gerald Cotten. OTT platforms feature a large range of content too, both virtual currencies and broader subjects of digital money.

Tuttle Twins has sold 4 million copies of its books. The books look to keep children away from the "lies" amongst the world of socialist and Marxist views. The website recognizes that there are people which push ideas different to those of the parents and looks to protect the children from them. It's no surprise with their messages, it's been called "right-wing children's entertainment" by CNN in an opinion piece.

The third episode of the Tuttle Twins television series with the theme of Bitcoin and political undertones look to be popular and an exciting addition to the series.

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