As the debate over Ripple and its cryptocurrency XRP's status of security gains even more discussions, crypto lawyer Jeremy Hogan has expressed his opinion on the matter. On April 11th, Hogan weighed in on the case between Ripple and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and predicted that Ripple will win the case. The SEC has been maintaining accusations against the firm since December 2020 and argued that Ripple's asset is an unregistered security.

The case between Ripple and SEC stands as a possible landmark moment in the entire cryptocurrency industry in the US, and Hogan declared that the chances of Ripple winning the case will reside in one factor: decentralization. According to Hogan, the reason for this is that the traditional purchase and trade of securities are a centralized process, whereas with crypto, it does not need to be such a process, owing to the decentralized nature of the tech. The SEC has cited various court proceedings where no written formal agreement was needed, but Hogan has argued that these cases involve cases of centralized operation.

On the other hand, Ripple is countering this by stating that because XRP tokens are controlled by the firm itself and are available in their escrow and have their supply schedule determined by the Ripple itself, it could be argued that XRP is centralized. But , Hogan has proposed a better argument in favor of Ripple's case, which is claiming that XRP is being used by institutions around the world which makes it more of a cross-border payment system than a security.

At the time of writing, XRP is increasing with a 4% gain and its price is $0.525. Even though the case between Ripple and SEC is a complicated one and its outcome is yet to be determined, it is clear that the decentralization argument has major influence over the SEC's decisions. With the debate ongoing between these two parties, it will be interesting to observe the outcome of this case and how it will shape the future of cryptocurrency in the US.

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