American author and financal guru Robert Kiyosaki, best known for his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, voiced his apprehension recently in an interview with Vlad TV. His claims suggest that green energy policy and inflation could have dire implications for the American middle class.

Kiyosaki discussed the fundamental role of oil, criticizing the present government's green new deal and the rising prices of oil that have resulted. He explained that this could have a catastrophic impact on the future of the middle class. Kiyosaki also pointed to President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan as a factor, which he claims allowed Saudi Arabia to partner with Russia and fuel an increase in oil prices.

The author's opinion is that inflation in the U.S. is systemic and, if left unchecked, could leave investment capital unsupported. Kiyosaki believes the only way for investors to protect their wealth is to invest in gold, silver, and Bitcoin, which can all offer an effective buffer from the ill-effects of inflation.

Kiyosaki also mentioned the possibility of the U.S. dollar becoming displaced as the global reserve currency. Citing it as a possible risk, he referred to the U.S. dollar as 'toilet paper', predicting a potential end to its reign.

The ideas advocated by Kiyosaki may be considered controversial by a few. However, his opinions state important issues that, if taken into consideration, can have a significant impact on the future of monetary policies.

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