CryptoGPT, an AI-driven technology aimed to reduce the influential control of web giants like Google and Meta, recently announced to acquire a $250 million company valuation, leading to a $10 million strategic investment from DWF Labs. As a result of this investment, the price of GPT tokens has increased by 63% yeart-to-date reaching to $0.07532. Even though the GPT tokens moved beyond their year-to-date peak($0.1446) at one stage, it's still 30.2% below that peak.

However, the current potential of CryptoGPT was recently questioned by Jason Yanowitz, the co-founder of Blockworks, who called the project an 'outright scam' in one of his thread. He mentioned many inconsistencies around key personnel which raised questions on the credibility of the project. For instance, the CEO and founder Jamila Jelani was later listed as a Marketer on the site, post which she was removed altogether. Additionally, discrepancies were made on CTO Dejan Erja with claims to have worked at Ripple, yet Yanowitz could not verify that information.

Along with personnel discrepancies, Yanowitz drew consideration to CryptoGPT’s heavy use of buzzwords as well as their unconventional marketing strategies like influencer marketing on YouTube. Also, there are many doubts arising on second token DXP of CryptoGPT and even questioned on the existence of Ecosystem Lead Art Bagdons. Queried by Yanowitz, @nay_gmy drew attention to several inconsistencies between reported investments and on-chain data. He further explains that the DWF Labs may only be selling tokens on behalf of teams for no less than a certain amount and pocketing the delta.

As of now, CryptoGPT has to clear the air and prove its credibility to be considered a reliable platform. With suspicious activities rising every day, the project will have to come with verified facts to counter the situation and prove its potential. All in all, it is clear that CryptoGPT must be more careful in their activities else the project will soon be delusional.

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