A US Space Force major tasked with advising senior military personnel on bitcoin, Major Jason Lowery, has concluded that the US should adopt and support Bitcoin in order to remain a global superpower. In his thesis published as a book in February titled "Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin", Lowery argues that Bitcoin's proof-of-work consensus mechanism presents an opportunity for the present day geopolitics to shift and to resort to a form of warfare where competing for block rewards in Bitcoin replaces boots on the ground or nukes in the air. This competition would be similar to a Cold War, where rewards would be Bitcoin, and not just possession of land.

The argument presented by Lowery is that blockchain technology could be used to create a secure form of transactions, and proof of work is sufficient to validate transactions. Not only that, but this could deter denial-of-service attacks. This would help protect the network, and even allow for a domestic crypto mining industry to grow. In completing this mining, individuals and countries can accrue Bitcoin rewards.

This form of warfare is vastly different, and has profound implications in geopolitics. The current administration has been taking a litigious approach, by regulating digital assets. A number of arms of the government have also taken to selling Bitcoin seized through criminal cases. In response, Lowery has stated that US policymakers should recognize Bitcoin as a national security imperative, as not seizing the opportunity to use Bitcoin would place the US at risk of losing its status as a global superpower. This would be by missing out on the advantages that come from blockchain technology, such as secure payments and data, or use of public and private keys for authentication.

The security protocols used in blockchain technology that Major Lowery speaks of are essential for national defense. And it is important for these advancements not to be hindered or ignored. It is important for countries to take advantage of these advances to keep their nation safe, and those in power must recognize the strength and agility that comes with adopting Bitcoin. It is no longer acceptable to miss out on what blockchain technology has to offer, or to take a litigious approach to its regulation. It is also important to note that Major Lowery is warning that the government should protect the network and create an industry encouraging domestic crypto mining, in order to avoid serious geopolitical problems down the line.

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