Fresh Supply Co's move to HBAR network is set to revolutionize asset tokenization and take the complex agrifood value chain to a new level. The US-based startup announced that it will migrate its business from Mastercard blockchain to the Hedera platform in order to tokenize real-world assets. This move will help FSCO to bring transparency to the value chain, starting from production of agricultural products until their distribution to customers. By deploying tokens and blockchain technology, FSCO will be able to offer financiers in-depth, transparent and verifiable data.

The financiers will use this data to assess the credit risk through analyzing and validating the record of goods or assets moving in and out of businesses. The tokenization effort is also driven by HBAR's Governing Council Maturity and their commitment to make ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting reliable across industries. Moreover, HBAR has also created Hedera Token Service (HTS) and Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) for FSCO's businesses.

Through their move to HBAR, FSCO is set to redefine asset tokenization by bringing the complex agrifood value chain to a whole new level. It will enable financiers to access reliable and verifiable data about events throughout the cycle for accurate credit risk assessment. Such a revolutionary initiative proves the potential of HBAR network and emphasizes its maturity as a blockchain platform.

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