Muneeb Ali, the co-founder of Stacks, made a passionate call to the cryptocurrency community to raise funds and support the political opponents of Senator Elizabeth Warren who has been a pivotal figure in spearheading the war against cryptocurrency. It all started with a Politico article from February which declared her commitment towards building an “Anti-Crypto Army”. Senator Warren has gone as far as to oppose Fidelity’s decision to allow Bitcoin investment in 401(k) products and a more recent letter, jointly sent with Republicans, to the cryptocurrency exchange Binance demanding transparency and accountability. Binance responded with a lengthy statement where they stated that they were working hard to both protect users as well as comply with legal obligations. This lead to the US Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) suing Binance for its alleged illegal operations on the 27th of March.

In response to all of this, Ali urged the cryptocurrency community to combine their resources and fund Senator Warren’s political opponents. Firstly by starting Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAO) to collect and administer the donations followed by a strategic approach towards spending the money to target important political battleground states. He also mentioned that he had been donating money to political figures from both sides of the divide who were learning about cryptocurrency. However he has been left so frustrated by the war against “open-source, freedom tech” and the Senator’s “Anti-Crypto” army that he has stopped supporting Democrats for the time being. All of this goes to show how passionate the cryptocurrency community has become about their cause and how seriously they are taking Senator Warren’s declaration of war.

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