Frederik Gregaard, CEO of Cardano Foundation, recently undertook an exciting trip to London filled with purposeful meetings and conversations. The Cardano Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting and promoting the Cardano blockchain ecosystem from the frontlines and works towards both the growth of the Cardano Community and the transformation of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

Upon his arrival to the UK, Frederik was immediately struck by the enthusiasm for blockchain amongst those he encountered. He had many positive interactions with several members of Parliament centered around the potential of the technology and the possibilities for positive change and reduction of inequality. Gregaard was also able to exchange ideas on both digital currencies and identity with members of cross-party committees.

The UK has all the tools necessary to turn into a prolific hub for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. With the considerable political will to support its application and its strong existing economy, all that is missing are the “future-proofing” features such as interoperability. London is already a world-leading city, home to common law and the City of London, and Frederik Gregaard knows that with the right ambition and policies it could be so much more.

The Cardano Foundation’s CEO was highly satisfied by his visit, as it meant productive conversations and new connections. He was also encouraged by the eagerness to proceed with the development of blockchain by those he was in contact with. The Cardano Foundation is looking forward to continued involvement with the growth and development in the UK, and Frederik is excited to see how the organisation is positively impacted by this progressive space.

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