On Monday cryptocurrencies, such as Litecoin (LTC) and Solana (SOL) saw extensive price hikes, taking both of them to their respective one-week highs. The cause of this rally is yet unknown, but it is likely to be the result of the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) breaking out of the respective ceilings in both the tokens.

The price of Solana rose to an intraday high of $21.49, which is it strongest point since last Monday where it peaked at $22.00. Solana has also seen a strong drive in its RSI, rising from 45.00 to 48.31 in nearly ten days of trading. There is a high possibility of SOL's price reaching the $24.00 mark, its long-term resistance, in the near future if the sentiment remains constant.

Litecoin (LTC) has also seen a major surge in its price on Monday, with the token increasing by 7%. Starting the day at a low of $81.75, it rose to an intraday high of $87.54 in Monday's session. This jump has taken LTC to its highest point since 6th March, when the token was valued just below the $90 mark. With its RSI breaking from 51.00 to 54.15, there is possibility that it could not only pass the $90 price mark, but continue to move further.

In conclusion, both Solana and Litecoin have seen exceptional price hikes Monday, heralding much optimism into the cryptocurrency market following last week's turbulence. Although the cause is yet uncertain, it is likely to be the result of the surging RSI in both the tokens. With the market's sentiment so high, it is possible that both SOL and LTC could breach their respective long-term resistance points in the near future.

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