This week in cryptocurrency space, Neo Global Development released its global monthly report for February and March 2023. This report features updates on projects, giveaways and collaborations, community engagement, and upcoming event plans. A development update video featuring AxLabs, NNT, NEXT, NeoResearch, NeoSPCC, NGD Digital Labs, NGD Enterprise and Red4Sec was also shared by NGD.

The report also included a detailed retrospective of a recently held event; Consensus 2023. The recap described how OneBand non-fungible item was activated and presence of the ecosystem teams at the event. Da Hongfei's presence at the booth was also highly applauded.

Furthermore, Neo joined the KaratDAO ecosystem to become a data validator. KaratDAO is a decentralized identity and data network which makes use of multi-party computation and zero-knowledge proof technology to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. Neo is currently going as a Space Odyssey Genesis validator. Space Odyssey is a campaign which is going to help in new user onboarding into Karat Network with the provision of airdrops.

GhostMarket and Flamingo Finance released insights on their recent activities, while DogeRift was listed on the GeckoTerminal and DEX Screener token price tracking platform. COZ is in the process of partnership with DegenzNFT and is working on a new project with more details to follow. Meanwhile, NNT released episode 36 of the Smart Economy Podcast and collective audio-video content of Consensus 2023.

Flamingo Finance is also participating in the upcoming Web3 Berlin which is going to be held from June 10-11. This was briefly some of the top news in the crypto world happened this week and all of the related information.

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