Cryptocurrency has seen its fair share of projects related to gaming that use tokens as a form of currency exchange. A new game from Indie developer Runestone Games is adding to this library. The game, called Blight's Wrath, is a 3D action role-playing game (RPG) taking cues from games like Dark Souls and Kingdom come: Deliverance.

The main currency the player will use in-game is the XRP token. Players can either receive rewards or purchase items with the token. According to a video describing the game, players can take on a variety of challenges in the game and use their XRP tokens to purchase goods and services within the game. The use of the token will function in a similar way to a standard in-game currency.

The actual game itself is an open world experience with players having to construct their own character. There will be elements of survival and immersive storytelling with a tailored narrative for each player. The game seeks to add variety with NPCs, crew battles, and even more unique challenges meant to push the envelope for players. The one thing for sure is that players will need to be adequately prepared to take on challenges that await them within the game.

“Blight's Wrath” is a developing 3D Action Role-Playing Game built on the XRP cryptocurrency. The game requires the players to build their own character and explore an open world where they can face various challenges, receive rewards, and purchase goods and services using the XRP token. Players will also discover immersive story elements, battle NPCs and complete a variety of unique challenges possible within the game.

The concept of a role-playing game that uses cryptocurrency and is inspired by games such as Dark Souls and Kingdom Come: Deliverance provides an opportunity for players to interact with the game in a way that allows them to not just play the game, but also use the in-game currency to purchase goods and services. This innovative concept adds a new twist to the RPG genre and helps create a unique gaming experience.

The developers of “Blight’s Wrath” are working hard to make sure the game’s story and the user experience is captivating with quests and characters that are varied and engaging, aiming to provide a unique experience for the players to partake in. With its combination of action, RPG, and cryptocurrency, “Blight’s Wrath” looks to be a captivating game for players to explore and interact with.

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