Glauber Contessoto, popularly known as the “Dogecoin Millionaire”, who became a millionaire overnight by investing his life savings in Dogecoin, is advising all potential investors to invest in meme-based crypto Pepe (PEPE) only after the currency is 80%-90% lower from its all-time high of $0.00000431. The meme-based crypto had seen a drastic surge in its popularity. It managed to reach a market capitalization of over $1.6 billion, within weeks of its launch.

However, with extreme volatility being a common trait among meme-based cryptocurrencies, the whimsical token currently lies 61% lower from its all-time high, according to CoinGecko data. The Dogecoin millionaire is leveraging his experience with Dogecoin's massive surge and consequential downfall to advise investors to buy the dip. His ‘buy the dip’ strategy is a common tactic employed by crypto investors.

Contessoto’s experience has turned him into a prominent influencer in the crypto space, managing to make headlines in major media outlets such as CNBC. Despite the warnings of investing in cryptocurrency as it is highly speculative and volatile, his advice hints a belief in the potential for PEPE to rebound.

Although Contessoto offers an experienced opinion, it is important to note that potential investors should carry out thorough research, gathering information from valid and reliable sources, to understand the fluctuating market. Additionally, investors should assess their overall financial situation carefully to understand how much risk they can take, to avoid any losses.

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