Particle Network has recently joined forces with Scroll, a Layer 2 scaling solution built upon zkEVM and zkRollup technology in order to enhance the user-friendly experience of the decentralized financial (DeFi) space. This collaboration aims to unite the powerful middleware services of Particle Network with heightened scalability, reduced gas costs, and quicker transaction speeds of Scroll, therefore creating a smoother, more accessible environment. Through the integration of Scroll and Particle Network, a variety of advantages will become available to developers in the DeFi space.

Particle Network's authentication suite, which is powered by MPC-TSS and Account Abstraction, revolutionizes user login processes with improved security. In addition, there are now various SDKs across various platforms including Web, iOS, Android, Unity, and Unreal making the transition from traditional web services to blockchain technology more accessible and feasible. Moreover, Particle Network middleware services like Node API, IPFS, NFT, data analysis, and more, can be utilized to increase the security and reliability of decentralized applications (dApps).

Scroll's current deployment on the Goerli testnet symbolizes the shift in development stages from pre-alpha to alpha testing phase. This public testnet provides an opportunity for developers to actively engage with open-source code and address potential issues prior to the mainnet launch, which is scheduled for late 2023. To facilitate the transaction of digital assets between the Goerli testnet and Scroll, a bridge has been created and deployed.

This endorsement emphasizes Particle Network’s commitment to nurturing creativity within the decentralized sector and lending support to Web3 developers. By providing phenomenal middleware services to developers working on Scroll, Particle Network takes steps to shape the future of Ethereum-centric applications while focusing on increasing scalability, reinforcing security, and upgrading the overall user experience.

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