TapSwap, a popular tap-to-earn platform on Telegram, has left users uncertain about the date of its token generation event. The developers have mentioned that they are working on exciting news and announcements but have not specified the airdrop's date. The airdrop was initially scheduled for July but was postponed to "sometime in Q3". The delay is likely due to the developers working on the platform and negotiating listings with tier-1 exchanges. There is little chance that the airdrop will be launched soon as time is not in its favor. The delay is similar to that of Pi Network, another tap-to-earn platform, where users have accumulated tokens without being able to convert them into fiat currencies. TapSwap has a large user base of over 70 million players and users earn tokens by completing simple tasks. The delay in the airdrop may be due to the developers observing the performance of recently launched Telegram coins. The challenge for tap-to-earn platforms is to sustain user engagement after the airdrop.
Content Editor ( crypto.news )
- 2024-09-25
TapSwap airdrop appears delayed, mirroring Pi Network