Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, recently launched its VIP Loan service, expanding its range of products and services. It added two new loanable assets to its framework – SUI and EDU – while also implementing eight new collateral assets such as ALGO, BAND, EGLD, HBAR, MINA, QNT, RDNT and SUSHI. The service intends to combine the liquidity of the blockchain with the user’s financial needs, enabling them to unlock greater potential in objectives such as leveraged trading and hedging strategies.

The platform assesses all its collateral assets on Collateral Ratios, determining the liquidity of tokens. As tokens with lower liquidity are subjected to lower collateral ratios, this allows the user to receive large haircuts. Furthermore, the same token can have different collateral ratios based on the collateral amount.

Furthermore, for more information, users can read the FAQ for details on VIP Loan and the VIP Loan Collateral Ratio mechanism. For even more queries of any kind, Binance has a VIP Key Account Coverage team that users can reach out to via email ( or Telegram (@vip_loan_binance). It should be noted that products and services referred to here may not be available in certain regions. Additionally, for any discrepancy between the translated versions of this announcement and the original English version, the English version will prevail.

Binance’s VIP Loan presents an extensive range of financial opportunities and investments through its various loanable assets and collateral assets. It provides users with greater liquidity, while also assessing tokens to optimize get high returns on investments. With its all-embracing, efficient and secure framework, it is easy to see why many trust the cryptocurrency exchange to provide a missing link in their objectives.

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