Israel is taking strong steps to thwart the activities of terrorist organizations such as Daesh and Hamas since 2021. According to new documents from the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing, a division of the Israeli Defense Ministry, approximately 190 Binance accounts have been seized due to their alleged ties to terrorist groups like these. The records date all the way back to 2021, and more than 100 of the seized accounts are believed to be associated with Hamas.

The funds have been confiscated in order to impede the groups' ability to further their goals, and seizures of this nature are legal according to Israeli law. It permits the Defense Ministry to take control of any assets associated with terrorism.

Binance has also been under pressure for its lax anti-money laundering protocols, which allowed criminals and other unsavory actors to bypass American sanctions. The company has publicly claimed to be in compliance with regulators, and has put a 700-member compliance team in place to handle the massive influx of law enforcement requests every week.

Daesh, meanwhile, has been slowly rebuilding since losing its last stronghold back in 2019. It's estimated that their territory had shrunk from 100,000 to 110,000 sq. kilometers at its peak, to roughly 4,000 sq. kilometers in 2020.

As such, terrorist groups continue to be a viable threat, and Israel is keen on countering their efforts with its own initiatives. The seized Binance accounts are only one way of blocking funds intended for terrorist activities, but there is still more to be done to ensure the world's safety.

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