The advancements in Artificial Intelligence technology has been advancing rapidly in recent years, with breakthroughs such as the successful OpenAI's ChatGPT program and subsequent developments. This development has resulted in the conversation around ethical and responsible development of AI continuing to move mainstream, with numerous company members demanding a halt in progress. As a response to this, the White House Administration is investing in research focused on mitigating the potential risks associated with this technology and ensuring that all citizens have access to the innovations it offers. To further this purpose, Vice President Kamala Harris held meetings with CEOs from several top companies working in the field of AI and discussed the responsibility the government and private sectors have to the public. The Biden Administration is also aiming to roll-out guidance from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to regulate actual AI use in the near future. The safety of citizens is paramount and it is heartening to see the White House Administration making strides towards building an ethical code of conduct around the implementation and use of AI. Additionally, an independent public evaluation of AI systems is set to take place in August of this year, at the annual hacker convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, so that any potential issues can be identified and addressed. Ultimately, the White House Administration hopes that these efforts will drive AI innovation with safeguards in place which can be used to protect the public and create a bright future for all.

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