Cryptocurrency enthusiasts who are seeking for amusement and fun may find a new way of entertainment and profiting in the meme coin market. Major crypto exchanges Bitfinex and Binance have recently listed two of the most famous meme tokens - FLOKI and Pepe. Those coins have seen an increase of 60% and 90%, respectively, as a result of these listings. Despite the user friendly environment of the meme coin market, traders and investors should remain aware of the high risks associated with such coins.Meme tokens have emerged as informal digital assets that are a result of a long-lasting joke on the internet. The most popular of them is Dogecoin, inspired by Shiba Inu dog breed. Initially, Doge was just a means of entertainment, however, over time it soon became a tool of payment and its market cap recently surged over $50 billion. It also gained support from Key opinion leaders like Elon Musk. Similar to Dogecoin, the recently launched meme coin - Pepe, does not have any utility, but its market capitalization has already exceeded $1 billion. Also, Shiba Inu, is busy expanding its ecosystem - building the Layer 2 solution called Shibarium, the metaverse and its own customized cold wallet, as well as released a game for smartphones.

Although meme coins provide a more entertaining and fun securities market, users should bear in mind the fact that investment comes with a certain amount of risk associated. Investing in meme tokens requires rigorous research and should be made with caution as they might prove to be vulnerable and subject to price volatility due to their nature. Crypto enthusiasts should be wary of over-investing or trading without educating themselves first and make sure to be responsible for their own decisions.

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