An early investor in the meme-based cryptocurrency Pepe, known by the alias dimethyltryptamine.eth, has seen his modest investment of $260 skyrocket to nearly $8 million, according to blockchain intelligence firm Arkham. With a surge of 125.3% today, Pepe's market capitalization has now risen to an impressive $1.57 billion and is currently ranked 40th in terms of its value.

Pepe's success is attributed to the listing of its tokens on prolific exchanges such as Binance and This has led to a renewed confidence among investors and opened the coin up to a wider spectrum of potential buyers. The lack of speculation, courtesy of dimethyltryptamine.eth's tenacious hold on Pepe tokens, indicates that the market could be less affected by the usual short-term volatility which is typically associated with the cryptocurrency sector.

Besides Pepe, dimethyltryptamine.eth also holds a collection of 12 Milady NFTs, a popular digital art series. This digital portfolio, while likely to appreciate in value, cannot be neglected when considering the future of Pepe in the market. Despite its promising trajectory, there are no guarantees that this dynamic could continue in the long term.

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