The Shanghai update coming on April 12 is one of the most anticipated events in the world of cryptocurrencies. It will unlock around 18 million Etheruem (ETH) coins that have been held in staking by validators and other participants. This update is especially important as some validators have been waiting for over two years to receive access to their locked coins. According to sources, Ethereum staking rewards amount to approximately 15 % of the coin's supply, and they will be made available to the validators immediately after the update.

In addition to unlocking ETH coins, proposals numbered 3651, 3855, 3860, and 6049 will also be put into effect. These are aimed at reducing costs for network developers, thus making it easier and cheaper for them to build their applications on the Ethereum network. Subsequently, more innovative and sought-after applications will be deployed.

The strategic value of the upcoming Shanghai update is obvious, as it will greatly benefit the market's liquidity position, as well as its network growth in the long term. This is likely to have a significant positive effect not just on Ethereum but also on the wider crypto market.

From the end of users' perspective, this is a great update since it makes it easier to build more DApps, thus bringing new products and innovation to the ecosystem. All in all, the Shanghai update will have far-reaching implications and is expected to give a massive boost to the Ethereum blockchain.

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