The Arbitrum Foundation is taking action to address the crypto governance crisis by submitting two new proposals to increase the custody and governance of the ARB tokens holders. AIP-1.1 is intended to protect the remaining 700 million ARBs by placing them in a smart contract controlled lock for four years. The second proposal, AIP-1.2, seeks to reduce the threshold for the issuance of on-chain improvement proposals from 5 million tokens to 1 million.

Despite the controversy that arose from their initial proposal, the Arbitrum Foundation has ventured to answer the calls of the community in order to implement a more reliable and secure cryptographic governance. By enacting AIP-1.1, the organization intends to securely keep the remaining 700 million ARBs over the period of four years and alleviate the apprehensions of potential victims of a potential scam.

In addition, AIP-1.2 is also a measure taken to ensure transparency and security within the landscape of crypto governance. By reducing the threshold from 5 million tokens to 1 million, the idea is to open the doors for more people to intervene in taking decisions related to the cryptocurrency. The community will have the final say on the proposed measure as the proposed AIP-1.1 and AIP-1.2 will have to reach a successful snapshot vote for them to come into effect.

The Arbitrum Foundation's approach towards crypto governance is a positive sign for the industry. By listening to the community and responding with decisive actions, they are ensuring the growth of their cryptocurrency in both a secure and transparent manner. Ultimately, it is up to the voters to decide the fate of the AIP-1.1 and AIP-1.2 proposals, which will decide the security of the ARB tokens.

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