Twitter is now partnering with eToro, a worldwide trading firm, to offer its users access to more real-time financial data. The collaboration between the two companies has resulted in an upgraded cashtag feature that offers greater information regarding stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and exchange-traded funds. This will help users make better investment decisions.

The cashtag feature was previously limited to a few assets, but has been expanded to include 30 more cryptocurrencies this year. With this feature, people can immediately access real-time price charts and other information related to the asset they are looking into. All that has to be done is to enter the ticker symbol with a dollar sign in the Twitter’s search tab and the information will become available.

The implementation of this feature has been a great success. As of 2021, there are 420 million cashtag searches that have taken place with an average of 4.7 million searches a day. Around the time of earnings announcements for big companies, the searches pick up and can even reach 8 million.

This feature has been immensely beneficial for retail investors due to its quick process and relevant data. The three most commonly searched cashtags have been Tesla's stock $TSLA, the S&P 500 ETF $SPY, and Bitcoin $BTC.

This partnership is surely going to further strengthen trading communities across the world and making informed decisions will become simple and easily accessible. Despite the feature currently facing some issues with its rollout, both Twitter and eToro are committed to ironing out the glitches, and investors can soon access the greater capabilitiesf this cashtag feature.

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