The Terra Classic (LUNC) Layer-1 Joint Task Force (L1JTF) completed its proposed work on the Terra Classic network for the first quarter of the year and was able to return a surplus of 233.7 million LUNC tokens worth around $29.5K to the community pool. The team released a report on the work’s Q1 progress, which was met with positive response. Now, a revised proposal for the L1JTF work and required expenditures for the second quarter of 2023 has been published on Agora. The updated plan seeks $124.8K for the quarter, which is $14.7K below the initial proposal. This revised proposal has not yet met major objections from the community.

The initial proposal caused controversy due to the remuneration of Tobias “Zaradar” Andersen, the sole full-time developer. However, the team and Andersen himself argued in favor of the compensation. Andersen eventually withdrew due to the risk/reward ratio not being favorable and the task force is now in search of a new developer. Applications are open until April 23.

The team has now promised to provide the public with a detailed summary of the transactions and expenditure receipts made in the first quarter. Additional improvements were also implemented to bring maximum transparency to the process and satisfaction to the community. With these, the team seeks to continue their commitment to bringing quality work to the community.

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