A new report from DappRadar in collaboration with Japanese crypto firm Pacific Meta shows that Asia could potentially dominate the burgeoning Web3 gaming market in the near future. The survey conducted revealed an impressive statistic of 1.7 billion gamers residing in Asia and consequently, making up 55% of the entire gaming population worldwide. Furthermore, the survey predicts that this number is likely to increase and eventually make up the whopping 80% of all Web3 gamers in the years to come, despite the tight regulations on gaming in some parts of the Asia. An example of this is China, where players aged under 18 are only allowed to play for an hour a day.

The study further examined the preferences of Asian market and found that the majority of them showed a strong inclination towards role-playing games such as Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star Online, and Genshin Impact. This suggestion was echoed in the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) in San Francisco from March 2021 where Korean game publisher WeMade presented with the most comprehensive booth. The company is planning to release Web3 related games through its WeMix platform which is optimized to enable crypto assets.

Trung Nguyen, the co-founder of Sky Mavis, claimed at the GDC that Web3 gaming is a “natural” fit for the Asian market and the only reason it was not intriguing as compared to other genres is because of its heavy reliance on the financial elements. As such, the study conducted by Pacific Meta surveyed over 1,000 adults in Japan and found that 40% knew about blockchain games.

The results were mixed as 57% found Web3 games “interesting” while 10% dismissed their enthusiasm. The rest, i.e. 33% said “neither” as an answer to the question. In addition to that, the preference showed by gamers in respect of Web3 games revealed that 773 out of the total 1,030 people surveyed desired that the games should be free-to-play with an added bonus of being playable on mobile phones.

Despite the interest Web3 games have generated with some of the biggest names such as FIFA and Razer, the study concludes that this industry is still aspiring to ultimately achieve mass adoption and mainstream acceptance.

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