Cryptocurrency and stock holdings may soon become available to Twitter users according to a recent report. The popular social media platform is working in partnership with leading fintech firm eToro to offer the new feature. This is part of an initiative that Twitter has detailed may expand to become a one-stop shop, offering users multiple online facilities in one space.

Twitter has been building toward this goal since first introducing the cashtags feature in 2014. This feature enables users to stay up to date with real-time trading data from TradingView. The latest development takes this to a whole new level, offering a range of financial instruments for users to browse. With the option to purchase and sell cryptocurrency and other assets through eToro, users now have the ability to manage their digital and stock portfolios on the platform.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk had previously hinted toward the potential introduction of a comprehensive facility on the app. With the latest partnership agreement now becoming a reality, Twitter users will soon have many more options when it comes to financial instrument trading.

The agreement between Twitter and eToro is ongoing and further details will be added as they become available. It is certain that the new feature will bring a number of new opportunities to Twitter users. For those interested in trading cryptocurrencies and stocks, the latest step could make the app an essential tool.

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