In the digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing, creating unique opportunities but also fears when allowed unchecked. Universal Music Group (UMG) is taking a strong stance in protecting the intellectual property rights of their artists. The company recently told streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music to block AI services from using copyrighted songs to generate new music.

This has been reflected in tweets from users sharing AI versions of their favorite artists, which often goes unnoticed that the music is computer-generated. UMG is worried AI can express melodies and technical aspects of an artist's style, enough to fool an audience. In an email to streaming services, the company stated it will not hesitate to protect the rights of their artists.

A further concern is the application of AI across entire music catalogs. AI technology can be used to create an entirely new track made up with elements of different popular songs. For example, it could take the lyrics of Taylor Swift and give them the melody of a Bruno Mars song.

The fear is heightened knowing that Google has already released its machine-learning music apparatus, MusicLM, with the ability to generate high-fidelity music from text descriptions. YouTube is also buzzing with AI versions of popular songs remade by computer.

The music industry needs to take proactive steps to protect their copyright and intellectual property from AI technology. It is important to regulate the boundaries of using AI for creating music such as protecting their melodies, lyrics, and musical phrasing from intermixing with other works without permission.

These nuances, which are crafted with immense effort, are what create an artist's sound and brand. Therefore, guidelines should be set for streaming services to make sure AI does not infringe on the control individuals have over their original works. This can be further aided by enforcing licensing of AI use with current copyright laws, or introducing new ones if needed. That way, all music, both computer-generated and original, can be appreciated by all.

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