Cryptocurrency influencer David Gokhshtein recently voiced his opinion of the recent news Partnership between Twitter and eToro. Gokhshtein believes Binance Exchange would be more beneficial trading partner for Twitter than the aforementioned company. Binance has the largest trading volume and offers more cryptocurrency products compared to eToro. David's suggestion comes despite the recent lawsuit against Binance’s administration and the lack of stocks trading opportunity.

Dogecoin surged a few hours after the news, likely due to a close connection between its fans and Elon Musk. The latter owns Twitter, made Dogecoin the logo for a short time and promised to give away one million DOGE if someone can prove his family owned an emerald mine in Africa when he was little. Nevertheless, Dogecoin did not manage to hold the gained momentum after the logo changed.

Overall, the partnership news has called attention to Dogecoin and Binance, who appears to be the more beneficial crypto trading partner for Twitter but is unable to trade stocks. Further news about this collaboration will answer the question of whether anyone can verify the acclaimed emerald mine to receive one million DOGE, and finally, if Binance will be chosen as the better trading platform.

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