Sei Network and SPACE ID have recently partnered, aiming to provide a novel experience to their users, who will now be able to access various advantages from both platforms. Sei is a leading Level 1 blockchain, widely renowned for its quick and efficient transactions, whilst SPACE ID is a platform created for users to configure, build and manage virtual environments for various activities. As a result of the newly formed alliance, users of Sei will have access to virtual world developed on the SPACE ID platform, and it works the other way around as well, with SPACE ID users being able to take advantage of Sei Network's capabilities. Furthermore, a part of all money earned through domain name services through the platform will also be classified as "other revenue" in SPACE ID.

The opening of this new network between the two entities is seen as a novel opportunity, where both worlds will be connected, and users will benefit from the best of both the finance and virtual spaces world. A Sei spokeswoman stated that this will bring users a new level of experience, where they can shop and socialize and be on top of all the financial trends as well.

As a part of the expanded collaboration, Sei Network has also announced a new stage of the Sei Sunken Treasure NFT, which is expected to attract ever more users and increase the network's influence. Although the alliance seems promising, investment consulting is highly recommended, both for the success stories, as well as the risk factors that might appear when investing in Sei Network and its products.

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