The crypto news content revolves around the story of Tigran Gambaryan, a former IRS agent and Binance executive, who was detained for eight months in Nigeria on charges of money laundering. Gambaryan, a U.S. citizen, joined Binance as VP of Global Intelligence and Investigations. During a visit to Nigeria, Gambaryan and his colleague Nadeem Anjarwalla were detained by the Nigerian anti-corruption agency on charges of tax evasion. Anjarwalla managed to escape custody, but Gambaryan was held in a notorious prison. The U.S. government initially failed to take action, but eventually, efforts were made to secure Gambaryan's release. In late October, Nigeria dropped the charges and authorized Gambaryan's release, potentially due to a backroom deal. However, Nigerian officials stated that they would continue to pursue charges against Binance.
- Content Editor ( )
- 2024-12-30
The Year in Crypto: Binance’s Nigerian Hostage Crisis