The United States is no longer able to control the market with the petrodollar hegemony, thanks to the de-dollarization trend that is taking the global economy by storm. The US enjoys the upper hand in enticement of foreign powers, actors and merchants to use the currencies it dominates. For example, Apple and Google smartphones have become a popular choice for American consumers for their feature-rich, beneficial and easy to use interface. The US can deploy a multitude of resources to marshal Bitcoin hash power at the State Department, DHS, Treasury, DOD, DOJ, Commerce Department and Federal Reserve so as to accumulate a scarce digital commodity that could constitute one of the most essential reserve currencies for international trade, remittance, and settlement. Through such means, the US can be successful in establishing itself as a significant global leader in the cryptocurrency atmosphere. From the decentralizing trend of de-dollarization, the US can gain a stronghold in the crypto race.

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