Lookonchain, a cryptocurrency analytics platform, has recently revealed the performance of the top three profitable traders and one SmartMoney that traded on GMX exchange. An analysis of the traders’ profit and win rate offers a glance at their trading strategies.

Trader 1, who made a total of $2,358,345 from GMX, had a win rate of 34.67%. Despite this low success rate, the trader is currently shorting on $BTC and $ETH, having placed an entry price of $28,033 and $1,850 for them respectively.

Trader 2 earned a total of $1,420,115 from GMX and achieved a win rate of a much higher 70.51%, with 55 wins from 78 trades. The trader is currently operating with a long term strategy, having put an entry price of $28,090 and $1,861 for $BTC and $ETH respectively.

Trader 3 secured $1,380,206 by trading on GMX and had 98 wins out of 170 trades, with a win rate of 57.65%. They are currently long on $BTC and $ETH, with an entry price of $281,41 and $1,859 for them respectively.

SmartMoney on GMX has been the most successful operative, with a win rate of 90%. They traded 240 times and won 216 of these trades, earning a total of $65,875. The SmartMoney is currently long on $ETH, with an entry price of $1,888.

These investors’ strategies, although not foolproof, may be useful to investors, who have an eye on the market. By observing their strategies, investors may gain insights into the future performance of $BTC and $ETH. With their entry prices, traders have kept their eye on where the prices are heading. It will be interesting to see if the strategies and positions of these traders will change in the near future and, if so, by how much.

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