Ethereum has emerged as one of the clear leaders in the blockchain space in terms of network fees generated. According to Token Terminal’s report, Ethereum generated a whopping $743 million in cumulative daily fees over the last six months, significantly more than its peers. For reference, TRON generated $282 million, while Bitcoin came in at $80 million. Looking at fees is important because it tells us which protocols are actually used, thus allowing us to assess adoption rates. Uniswap was in third place with fees generated of $269 million.

A further metric to analyze is average daily fees. According to Crypto Fees, Ethereum has generated around $6 million per day in fees on average over the past week. BitInfoCharts reports relatively low average transaction fees for Ethereum of around $4.70, but this remains costlier for average non-whale users compared to alternative networks.

Layer 2 networks have become increasingly popular as a means of circumventing Ethereum’s high fees. Arbitrum One, the most popular Layer 2, is the sixth-highest network in terms of fees generated, with a daily fees average of $236,000 over the past week. Furthermore, according to L2fees, making an Ethereum transaction on the Aribtrum network costs an average of $0.06, and $0.17 for a token swap. However, due to the nature of its optimistic rollup technology, it can take a week for Ethereum to be taken off the network.

ETH prices have been relatively flat over the last 24 hours and were trading for $1,859 at the time of writing. More action could be coming this week with the Shanghai (Shapella) hard fork on April 12. Overall, the high fees generated by Ethereum point to considerable use and ongoing adoption of the network, making it a leader in the blockchain space.

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