The ongoing Ripple v. SEC legal case has seen a lot of heated debates online regarding the SEC's definition of XRP as an investment contract and a security. Though the examination of the SEC's position remains ongoing, people have not been passive and many have joined the discussion with their two cents on the matter. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has expressed his support for the XRP community in the XRP Las Vegas 2023 event, and subsequent to that, John E. Deaton, Ripple amicus curiae, beside Marc Fagel former SEC enforcement lawyer, made another round of argument regarding the SEC's argument, which has been described as traveling through time and space to cover all future sales of XRP. To add more fuel to the fire, Deaton offered two suggestions for change in the SEC, that being a prohibition of a revolving door between regulatory agencies, so that former regulators are not allowed to accept job positions in the very companies they have been regulating, and the enforcement of criminal financial conflict laws. Despite the ongoing legal issues, the XRP token is still being traded at $0.44, dropping 5.34% on the day and 15.35% on the month.

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