Renowned financial expert and author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki reinforces his Bitcoin bet stateing that the best collateral in the world, Treasury Bills (T-Bills), have gone up100 basis points and that the world banking system may be witnessing a major collapse. Kiyosaki advises his followers to "stick with gold, silver, Bitcoin and home defense" for their financial safety.

The reason behind the QE programs initiated by Fed Reserve and US Treasury to print higher amounts of US dollars out from thin air in 2020 is believed to be the root cause of the increasing value of Bitcoin and other safe havens. Kiyosaki had made various predictions about Bitcoin prior to this incident. In February, he had said Bitcoin would reach a whopping $500,000by 2025. His statement had made its way to the news again when he declared that Bitcoin was likely to reach $100,000.

In addition to the QE program, the collapse of US regional banks established the path for Kiyosaki's latest prediction. Starting from Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, to First Republic Bank, the huge number of regional banks have been bought by JP Morgan as their assets.

Many investors, including Kiyosaki, have been turning to gold, silver, and of course, Bitcoin as stable investments. Without any doubt, the current world economy state is uncertain and it is wise to include safe havens in one’s portfolio.

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