MegaOasis, a leading digital asset platform, has recently launched a new Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection called "Solitude". Developed by renowned designer, digital artist, and photographer from Indonesia, Andhika Ramadhian, this new series of four works intends to explore the feeling of isolation and the unique growth possibilities that it may offer.

The Solitude collection opened for sale on April 27, with various tokens for sale for two weeks only. There is one NFT up for auction, two are limited quantity sales with only nine items available, and one NFT has no limit on the quantity being sold. As part of the launch celebration, MegaOasis is organizing a giveaway on Twitter, which offers participants an opportunity of winning 20 Sailor NFTs.

Andhika Ramadhian is best known for his minimal digital artwork and photography, which often features bright colors in an effort to evoke meaningful reflective responses from the observation. His creative approach to art tries to find a balance between light and darkness and encourages feelings of contentment and inner peace in his audience.

In his own words, Ramadhian's introduction to the Solitude collection states: “Solitude is perhaps the most natural of exercises available to us. That is where we cultivate some of the most fertile states for the brain and the spirit, when we experience the biggest torments and the most comforting tranquility. Funny thing when you’re alone. Happy or not you behave the same.” This notion of being alone and yet still finding satisfaction regardless of one's mood is at the crux of the Solitude collection.

Solitude was designed to encapsulate the power of the individual. As an observation of one's inner feelings in times of isolation, it encourages self-discovery and growth. It seeks to be a further celebration of the revolutionary power of the human spirit, emphasizing the truly limitless potential of a solitary human being. Knowledge, creativity, and growth can all be achieved without relying on others — a powerful message from Ramadhian's art.

This inspiring message from MegaOasis's new NFT collection demonstrates that it is possible to be alone, yet still experience moments of contentment and inner peace. Andhika Ramadhian portrays this concept perfectly through his design and photography and encourages his audience to contemplate upon it. The Solitude collection is now available for sale and the giveaway is open for participation via Twitter.

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