Bitcoin is no doubt one of the most innovative creations in human history. On May 8, 2009, the very first Reddit thread about it was posted which began its journey of the financial revolution. It was four months after the launch of Bitcoin software by its anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Initially, Reddit users had mixed responses towards it, some recognizing its potential while others considering it to be a digital pyramid. Yet, it was worth less than $0.01 back then.

The Bitcoin's price history is full of ups and downs and it hit its first major milestone in 2010 when it was first traded for fiat currency. Its subsequent spikes marked its success in 2013 when it reached the record high of $1,200 and followed its all-time high of nearly $20,000 was achieved in December 2017. Yet, it went through a bear cycle and plummeted to less than $3,200 in the following year.

2020 witnessed the beginning of a new rally, ending the year at $28,949. This bull run followed in 2021 when a new all-time high of $68,789 was recorded in November.

Given its enormous potential, more and more people are investing in Bitcoin for future gains. Thereby, it’s important for them to be aware of the investment advice. Speculative investments bring about risks of capital. Despite its volatile nature, it has proven to deliver the highest performance when compared to any other asset classes. Investing in it only requires one to be cognizant and vigilant to pave its way in the digital asset investment market.

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