John Deaton, an attorney who represents numerous Ripple (XRP) holders for the ongoing lawsuit with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has predicted a possible end date for the battle. As the crypto community waits on the conclusion of the case, Deaton speculates that the ruling might come as soon as May 6. He based this calculation on the timeline of previously handled cases from Judge Torres, the appointed judge in the SEC v. Ripple case.

In an interview with Thinking Crypto, Deaton advised that the length of summary judgment may vary, with scenarios prior to the present case ranging between a one-hour judgment, two-week judgment, 30-day judgment, and even a 60-day judgment time frame. The timeline of the Ripple case was considered since the 6th of March, when the judge determined the outcome of a Daubert’s motion. With this in mind, Deaton suggested that the summary judgment between the SEC and Ripple legal dispute would likely appear somewhere between March 6 and May 6. He continued to state, however, that the decision could even drag out until the 1st of June.

The Ripple v. SEC lawsuit has been seen as a pivotal moment for the crypto world, with many expecting Ripple's decentralized virtual currency, XRP, to either be declared a security or necessitate a change in the current U.S. securities regulations. As Deaton's prediction puts the end date in sight, the crypto community awaits the announcement from Judge Torres to resolve the case and bring clarity to the industry.

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