Web3 gaming has emerged as an innovative new way for both developers and gamers to create, play, and monetize gaming experiences. With both social and economic value, access to decentralized, blockchain-based gaming has the potential to level the playing field for developers and open up powerful opportunities for gamers. The global gaming industry is expected to be worth $321 billion by 2026, indicating significant growth potential for Web3 gaming. By leveraging smart contracts, decentralization, and NFTs, Web3 gaming provides gamers from all over the world the power to connect and compete, as well as the ability to own and monetize their gaming attributes. Developers benefit too, gaining access to new revenue streams and user experience upgrades that prove integral to successful game development. Asset portability is a key concept at the centre of Web3 gaming, connecting gaming experiences, building communities and economies, and helping to move the gaming world away from Web2's centralized model. With the right resources, like performant blockchains and Unity SDKs, Web3 gaming is poised to become a natural bridge between the virtual and physical worlds, creating more meaningful and genuine experiences for gamers everywhere.

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